+972 2 6514240 shearim@shearim.com Sun-Thu 8:30-17:00 Israel time

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She'arim relies on donations to provide quality Torah education for women around the globe.

She'arim is a non-profit tax deductible organization registered in U.S, Canada, and England.

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All donations are important and make an impact on building Jewish homes.

Non profit tax info

She'arim has non-profit status in the US, Canada and England:

US IRS not-for-profit status 501 C number for The Shearim USA Charitable Trust is 52-6696432

British not-for-profit British Friends of She'arim Charity British not for profit number is 1087281

Canadian not-for-profit status of Canadian Friends of She'arim CANADIAN CHARITABLE REGISTRATION #1061175-29 CANADIAN BUSINESS NUMBER IS 89254 4941 RR0001

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Or make abank transfer to:
Bank 31 Beinleumi Branch 114 Account# 185078



Haylet Sevitz Varenberg - Memorial Fund

On behalf of my classmates and the staff of She'arim College of Jewish Studies for Women a scholarship fund has been set up in memory of our beloved classmate and friend Hayley Sevitz Varenberg (Henna Sarah bat Aron) z'l who died in the 947 bus crash on the first night of Hanukkah, 25 Kislev 5779/December 22, 2019.

Hayley was an educator who loved her students fiercely and loved her time at Shearim.

We'd like to honor her memory by helping other students to continue to learn.

Please designate you donation to the Hayley Sevitz Varenberg Memorial Fund. in the donation form. Thanks and Tizku l'mitzvot. May we only share smachot!!!!! ❤